Categorized as: Caribbean, Education, Grantee, Latin America, Our Partners, Stories, Youth & Tagged as: Community based organization, Corporal punishment, Critical thinking, Dimagi, Gates Foundation, Haiti, Leadership, Nedgine Paul Deroly, Obama Foundation, Paul VanDeCarr, Slavery, Stealth grantmaking, Working Narratives on September 22, 2018.
Editor’s Note: Anseye Pou Ayiti (or APA, Kreyòl for Teach for Haiti) is a nonprofit organization that recruits and equips local teachers in rural primary schools to elevate students’ learning, transform classrooms and communities, and build a Haitian-led movement of...Read more
Categorized as: Africa, Education, Girls & women, Grantee, Our Partners, Poverty Alleviation, Stories, Youth & Tagged as: Age Africa on August 25, 2018.
Related Grantee:
Advancing Girls Education: AGE Africa.
Here are some participants from Tri for Malawi 2017. On September 9, 2018, AGE Africa will host their tenth annual Tri for Malawi, a fundraiser for their scholarship program. If you wish to participate, you can register here. To donate to the fundraiser, click here....Read more
Categorized as: About us, Asia, Education, Girls & women, Grantee, Job Creation, Leadership, Our Partners, Poverty Alleviation, Stories, Youth & Tagged as: Destiny Foundation on July 16, 2018.
Related Grantee:
Destiny Foundation through Cents of Relief.
Editor’s Note: Sandy Skees is one of our 2G members, a sister to Suzanne, the founder of Skees Family Foundation. She has taken an active role in her community for many years, working in areas such as sustainability, girls’ empowerment, giving circles, and...Read more
Categorized as: Education, Girls & women, Grantee, Job Creation, Our Partners, Poverty Alleviation, Stories on June 9, 2018.
Related Grantee:
Certification distribution to Medha students. Editor’s Note: All around the world, the spring is a time to celebrate graduating students who are embarking on the next chapter of their learning journeys. In India, our Catalyst partner, Medha honored their most recent...Read more
Categorized as: About us, Africa, Asia, Caribbean, Education, Girls & women, Grantee, Job Creation, Latin America, Leadership, Middle East, Our Partners, Pacific Islands, Poverty Alleviation, Stories, Storytelling, U.S. on May 12, 2018.
Related Grantees:
Advancing Girls Education: AGE Africa,
African Entrepreneur Collective,
Agora Partnerships,
Anseye Pou Ayiti (Teach for Haiti),
Destiny Foundation through Cents of Relief,
Educate Lanka,
Global Press Institute,
JAAGO Foundation through the Jolkona Foundation,
Pearl Harbor Aviation Museum,
The School Fund,
Tomorrow’s Youth Organization,
Voix & Actions,
Women LEAD,
Editor’s Note: Pulling together updates of our grantee partners in the first two quarters of the year is always rewarding, as this is the time of year when many organizations issue their annual reports from the previous year. They’ve crunched the numbers,...Read more