Categorized as: Education, Grantees, Health, Legacy Partners, U.S.
Description: The Dayton Christian Center works to provide families and individuals with essential and supportive services to better their lives. Their mission is to nurture youth, empower families, and promote their community. The Dayton Christian Center uses several...Read more
Categorized as: Africa, Asia, Caribbean, Education, Grantees, Health, Latin America, Legacy Partners, Pacific Islands, Poverty Alleviation, Storytelling
Description: Freedom from Hunger worked through microfinance to bring education and healthcare services to the ultra poor, helping to empower women and families in nearly 30 developing countries. Their goal was to promote economic and social development through...Read more
Categorized as: Africa, Education, Grantees, Health, Legacy Partners, Storytelling
Description: Gardens for Health International works to provide sustainable agricultural solutions for chronic childhood malnutrition throughout Rwanda. They target the caregivers of children under five who are malnourished and they teach them which foods to grow and...Read more
Categorized as: Grantees, Health, Legacy Partners, Poverty Alleviation, U.S.
Description: Good Shepherd Ministries works to help reintegrate former addicts back into society. They provide material needs, such as clothes and food, spiritual guidance, job networking, counseling, and mentoring, along with other services. Mission Statement: Good...Read more