Categorized as: Africa, Girls & women, Grantee, Leadership, Our Partners, Stories, Storytelling, Youth & Tagged as: Akilah Institute, Ayla Schlosser, College, Empowerment, High school, Resonate Workshops, Rwanda on January 24, 2015.
Editor’s note: The founder of Resonate, an organization focused on catalyzing women’s leadership, describes how storytelling can be used as a powerful tool to help women build confidence, increase their sense of identity, and connect with other women. By...Read more
Categorized as: Africa, Asia, Caribbean, Education, Girls & women, Grantee, Job Creation, Latin America, Leadership, Our Partners, Pacific Islands, Poverty Alleviation, Stories, Storytelling & Tagged as: Cristi Hegranes, Huffington Post, Journalism, Social entrepreneurism on January 10, 2015.
Once upon a time, a young American woman landed her dream job — and then gave it to someone else. Ten years later, she’s creating a sustainable new model for international journalism that provides jobs and empowers women all over the world. By...Read more
Categorized as: About us, Education, Grantee, Grantmaking strategy, Job Creation, MY JOB book and community, Our Partners, Poverty Alleviation, Stories, Storytelling, U.S. & Tagged as: 2014 grantees, Annual report, Impact on January 3, 2015.
Part II of our series on our new grantmaking strategy includes our 2014 annual report announcing our rockstar partners and their impact, changes we’ve seen in philanthropy over the years, and our vision for the future. See Part I here. Editor’s...Read more
Categorized as: Grantee, Middle East, Our Partners, Stories, Storytelling & Tagged as: Gaza, Palestine, Peace, Voice of Witness on November 29, 2014.
Editor’s note: Voice of Witness (VOW) is a nonprofit dedicated to fostering a more nuanced, empathy-based understanding of contemporary human rights crises. VOW has so far published thirteen titles in its series on a wide variety of social justice issues,...Read more
Categorized as: Africa, Girls & women, Grantee, Job Creation, Our Partners, Poverty Alleviation, Stories, Storytelling & Tagged as: Cristi Hegranes, Democratic Republic of Congo, Global Press Institute, Journalism on November 15, 2014.
What started as a journalism job for Cristi Hengranes in Nepal turned into a mission to educate, employ, and empower women journalists in developing media markets all over the world. By Cristi Hegranes of Global Press Institute This post originally...Read more