Categorized as: Africa, Education, Girls & women, Grantee, Job Creation, Leadership, Our Partners, Stories & Tagged as: Akilah Institute, Burundi, College, Rwanda, Violence on October 17, 2015.
As the conflict in Burundi continues, 45 students at Akilah Institute for Women may have the opportunity to continue their studies in Rwanda. By Suzanne Skees for Skees Family Foundation As you may know, the nation of Burundi has recently fallen into chaos over...Read more
Categorized as: Africa, Education, Girls & women, Leadership, Our Partners, Poverty Alleviation, Stories, Youth & Tagged as: Akilah Institute, Burundi, College, Graduation, Job skills, Rwanda on September 5, 2015.
The Skees Family Foundation is a proud supporter of the Akilah Institute for Women, the first junior college for women in Rwanda and Burundi. We’re deeply impressed with their model of coupling higher education with job placement. This year marks the third...Read more
Categorized as: Africa, Education, Girls & women, Grantee, Our Partners, Poverty Alleviation, Stories, Youth & Tagged as: Akilah Institute, Burundi, Gender issues, Genocide, Nadine Niyitegeka, Rwanda, Technology on October 25, 2014.
Editor’s Note: Akilah Institute provides education and training for young East African women and equips graduates with the skills and experience necessary to be successful professionals in the region’s fastest growing sectors: information technology, entrepreneurship,...Read more