Education + Jobs in East Africa: Akilah Institute + African Entrepreneur Collective
Categorized as: Africa, Education, Girls & women, Grantee, Job Creation, Our Partners, Stories, Youth & Tagged as: CNBC, Collaboration, Entrepreneurship, Job training, Mark Zuckerberg, President Obama on April 1, 2017. Related Grantees: Advancing Girls Education: AGE Africa, Agora Partnerships, Asante Africa Foundation, Educate Lanka, Hope for Honduran Children, Kiretono Resource Centre through AID Tanzania, Medha.
CATALYST AND SEED PARTNER UPDATE: Akilah Institute and African Entrepreneur Collective in East Africa: Part 2 Editor’s note: Our family gets so excited when our partners collaborate with each other, that we get a little goofy. It feels a little as though two of...Read more