MY JOB Book 3–on Jobs for Gen Z–Is Here!
Categorized as: Job Creation, MY JOB book and community, Stories, Youth & Tagged as: Book publishing, Careers, Fatima Saadullah, Gen Z, Generation Z, Job hunting, Maya Chawla, New book, Nonfiction, Sanam Yusuf, Sarah Helly, Sociology of work, Suzanne Skees on May 8, 2021.

By Suzanne Skees, Founder and Storyteller
Why Jobs for Gen Z?
MY JOB Gen Z: Finding Your Place in a Fast-Changing World, is the only book on the market (we did our research!) that’s BY, ABOUT, and FOR Generation Z–i.e., middle schoolers through mid-twenties.
Generation Z, which has already become the largest cohort with the greatest purchasing power (40 percent/$143 billion) gets a lot of research and attention when it comes to selling products to them, but very little support for them as they set out into the workforce.
That’s why my now-19-year-old coauthor, Sanam Yusuf, and I set out to gather research about, and conduct our own survey of, Gen Zers of many ages, places, and occupations. We wanted not to dictate who Gen Zers are or what they should do, but rather, to spotlight real young people in their own words as they reveal their values and vision.
What’s Inside?
Our new book offers four sections:
- Chapter 1: Who is Gen Z: official research versus our findings on what makes this generation different from any preceding, and what they desire from work and life.
- Chapter 2: Ordinary Gen Zers either working toward or already in their dream jobs. (We surveyed over 100 and feature forty-three.)
- Chapter 3: Famous Gen Zers earning fame and fortune, building companies, inventing products, and wielding impact on the world. (We include seventy-seven rockstars in such fields as marketing, food, beauty, real estate, tech, sports, music, TikTok, environment, and social and racial justice.)
- Chapter 4: Tips, tools, best practices, and resources for landing your first internship or job, creating your resume and online professional profile, interviewing and follow-up, negotiating and advocating for yourself … all you need to advance toward your own dream job.
The volunteers of MY JOB Gen Z: Coauthor Sanam Yusuf, Cover Designer Maya Chawla, Editor Sarah Helly, and Marketing Advisor Fatima Saadullah.
How Does Gen Z Compare with Books 1 & 2?
We–Sanam, Maya Chawla, Sarah Helly, Fatima Saadullah, and I–that’s three Gen Zers, one Millennial, and a Boomer–designed our book to match our audience’s tastes.
- Brief profiles of over one hundred Gen Zers cover a paragraph to a few pages, rather than the in-depth full-history stories of MY JOB Books 1 and 2.
- Vivid images of Gen Zers at work and famous Gen Zers fill the pages, in full color in the ebook. The heart of the book, Chapters 2 and 3, resembles a series of Instagram posts, with photographs and captions that are succinct and to the point.
- Any claims we make about the traits and views of Gen Z are sourced back to studies or experts.
- A hefty Chapter 4 offers hundreds of tips, tools, and best practices for landing your first internship, applying for jobs, and moving up in your career–with links to websites and apps to help you job-hunt efficiently and effectively.
Support Young Professionals: Quick Options
You, our community of friends and colleagues, know better than anyone that an act as seemingly minuscule as a butterfly flapping its wings can wield impact across the planet. So, please, fly with me for just a minute!
- Buy the book: MY JOB Gen Z is available on Amazon (PLEASE take two seconds to write a brief review–it helps enormously with sales and credentials!) or wherever you buy books online.
- Order the book from brick and mortar stores: You can empower indie bookstores by choosing to purchase there. You may have to request MY JOB Gen Z–or the entire three-book series–but that will give our sales a boost as well.
- Donate to schools, libraries, and youth programs: The best gift you can give Sanam and me is to pass our book on to students pondering their future careers or striving to attain good jobs. If you know a librarian or teacher, please consider gifting MY JOB Gen Z! (ALL author proceeds are donated to job-creation programs to end poverty, so your gift works both ways.)
- Share it with those in need: Just a few months into the COVID pandemic, we decided to self-publish this book, because that’s the only way to offer the ebook version FREE to anyone who cannot afford to purchase it. Just send me a note about the person/program, and I’ll send you the link!
We want every young person to be inspired, empowered, and equipped to pursue the job they desire!
Note from Suzanne
Good news: after publishing three books in the MY JOB series, I finally have launched a bonafide author website! Please hop over to view it, and let me know your ideas for improved ways to connect readers with our books and each other.
And, sign up here if you want to receive brief, bi-monthly blogs with excerpts from the books, spotlights on more working heroes, job-hunting resources, and an insider’s view into the life of your author-buddy (me)!
Let’s raise a toast together! Cheers, Suzanne
(L to R) Suzanne with Laurel Curran, Tanya Jairaj, and our host, raising cups of “tea” in Assam, India with Upaya Social Ventures, a job-creation nonprofit that’s created over 21,000 jobs for the ultra-poor . . . so far!
MEET OUR NARRATORS: Get to know a sampling of our narrators from both books on our YouTube channel.
BUY THE BOOKS: Book 1 here, Book 2 here, and Book 3 here!
All images courtesy of Suzanne Skees.
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