Tech ME: Learn, Innovate, Solve
Categorized as: Africa, Education, Girls & women, Job Creation, Leadership, Our Partners, Poverty Alleviation, Stories on August 21, 2021. Related Grantee: Tech Me.

Participants in one of Tech ME’s programs, SmartGirls. Read about it below!
Editor’s Note: In this blog, we highlight one of our current Seed Partners, Tech ME, who through education, entrepreneurship, and civic engagement empower youth, women, and girls in Nigeria to create the lives they wish to live. When exploring new Seed partners, we find the leadership to be a fundamental component of a social enterprise. Passion, connection to the community they serve, and innovative ideas are all important. We certainly found those qualities and more in Jerry Odili, founder and CEO of Tech ME. He uses his passion for technology and his desire to create social change to work to eradicate extreme poverty through education and economic empowerment in the field of Information Communication Technology (ICT). We have been impressed by the practicality and scalability of Tech ME’s programs, teaching technology and digital skills, coding, robotics, animation, job readiness, financial literacy, and more. Read on for more details!
ACE IT (Accelerate Entrepreneurship through Information Technology): This program trains small business owners, low budget entrepreneurs, small scale artisans, and craftsman to utilize technology, internet, and social media to build a brand, increase productivity, and grow their business.
CLIC (Children Learning ICT Campaign): This project introduces disadvantaged and underserved children to the world of ICT by building computer labs and providing computer skills training to both teachers and students in low-income schools. Even after the project ends in a particular school, the trained teachers continue to train new students in those computer labs.
Impact so far: 18 teachers, 890 students, and anticipate up to 2,000 students through future training.
EngageGov: This program is increasing youth and women’s participation in politics and teaching them to demand a more inclusive democracy by connecting their clients to their elected representatives and helping them to demand accountability. To date, they’ve reached more than 100,000 Nigerians through advocacy activities, community outreach, infographics, and online platforms.
SmartGirls: This is an afterschool and summer program that teaches girls coding, robotics, and animation in a hands-on environment. The idea is to close the technology gender gap in Nigeria by inspiring girls to pursue opportunities in computing fields. By stimulating creativity, problem solving, and inventiveness in a fun and engaging way, girls can visualize their place in the world of computer technology. Many alumni go on to create coders clubs and mentor new members.
Impact so far: Trained more than 400 girl coders; 52 project beneficiaries have gained admission into a university to study Computer Science related majors.
WIN (Women ICTpreneurs Nigeria): By far their most impactful Tech ME program so far, WIN empowers unemployed young women to get a job or start a business with ICT skills. This includes resume writing, applying and interviewing for jobs, financial literacy and other training designed to boost confidence and financial independence. The beneficiaries report their increased confidence and ability to contribute financially to their families led to increased respect and an actual decrease in gender-based violence.
Impact so far: Directly impacted over 800 women across 6 communities; 85% of project beneficiaries now have a source of income; Sharp increase in income, rising as much as 250%; 10% of beneficiaries have returned to school to get a bachelor’s or associate’s degree.
As you can see, Tech ME is changing the lives of many youth and women in Nigeria. We look forward to the strides Jerry and his team take as they expand and grow!
All photos courtesy of Tech ME.
LEARN more about Tech ME here.
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